The Faculty of Law of Ton Duc Thang University is upgraded from the development of the Department of Law. Faculty of Law is established on July 14th,2015. Now, the Faculty of Law has three departments: the Department of International-Economic Law, the Department of Public Law, and the Department of Civil Law.
Now, Faculty of Law educates 1500 students with a team of qualified, ensthusiastic faculty lecturers who studied at reputable training institutions in Vietnam and abroad. In addition, Faculty of Law has a team of visiting lecturers from major training institutions in the south, many experts, lawyers are prestigious in Vietnam and abroad.
In third year, students can choose their favorite specializations: Commercial Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, and Internation Business Law.
Law graduates can work as positions: legal advisors in corporations, lawyers; lecturers, researcher at academic institutions; consultants for departments, organizations, corporations in Vietnam and abroad, specialists in state agencies, work at judicial agencies like Court, Procuracy, Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement.
Faculty of Law – Ton Duc Thang University did and is affirming the prestige of training through the strategy of training dynamic, energetic and enthusiastic law graduates.